String converter

String to numeric conversions

Strings are converted to a numeric value according to the following rules:

From To On success On failure
string int/uint Numeric value 0
string int?/uint? Numeric value null
string short Numeric value 0
string short? Numeric value null
string long/ulong Numeric value 0
string long?/ulong? Numeric value null
string decimal Numeric value. Both '.' and ',' are treated as decimal separator 0
string decimal? Numeric value. Both '.' and ',' are treated as decimal separator null
string float/double Numeric value. Both '.' and ',' are treated as decimal separator 0
string float?/double? Numeric value. Both '.' and ',' are treated as decimal separator null


String Convert to Result
"1" int 1
"5.4" decimal 5.4
"5,4" decimal 5.4
null decimal 0
"" decimal 0

String to DateTime conversions

Converting strings to DateTime values is a little more complicated, but the base .NET Framework does a pretty good job, so the Vici conversion is similar to the built-in stuff (but a little easier to use).

To convert a string to a DateTime, you should tell the converter what date formats should be expected:

DateTime? dt1 = s.Convert<DateTime?>("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFF");

If you always use the same date formats, you can set this as the default:

StringConverter.RegisterDateFormats("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFF");

DateTime? dt1 = s.Convert<DateTime?>();
From To On success On failure
string DateTime Date value DateTime.MinValue
string DateTime? Date value null

String to enum conversions

The Iridium Converter can convert numeric and named values to enum values.

For example:

enum LogLevel { Debug = 0, Information = 1, Error = 2, FatalError = 3 };

"1".Convert<LogLevel>(); // returns LogLevel.Information
"3".Convert<LogLevel>(); // returns LogLevel.FatalError
"Error".Convert<LogLevel>(); // return LogLevel.Error

If a value can't be converted, the default is returned, which is the value 0 (zero) casted to the enum type (according to the C# specs). If the target type is nullable and the conversion fails, //null// is returned.

For example:

enum LogLevel { Debug = 0, Information = 1, Error = 2, FatalError = 3 };

"5".Convert<LogLevel>(); // returns LogLevel.Debug
"Bogus".Convert<LogLevel>(); // returns LogLevel.Debug
"5".Convert<LogLevel?>(); // returns null
"Bogus".Convert<LogLevel?>(); // returns null

If you want to have your own default value when conversion fails, you should use the nullable conversion and use the ?? operator:

enum LogLevel { Debug = 0, Information = 1, Error = 2, FatalError = 3 };

LogLevel logLevel = "5".Convert<LogLevel?>() ?? LogLevel.Information;
LogLevel logLevel = "Bogus".Convert<LogLevel?>() ?? LogLevel.Information;

String to boolean conversions

Conversion from string to boolean is done according to fixed true and false string values:

String value boolean value
"1" true
"T" or "T" true
"Y" or "y" true
"True" or "true" or "True" true
"Yes" or "YES" or "yes" true
anything else false