Creating classes

Classes for storing data can be defined as simple POCO classes, without any attributes or base classes.

For example:

public class Product
   public int ProductID;
   public string ProductName;
   public decimal Price;

The default naming convention will map this class to a table "Product" with a primary key "ProductID". The default naming convention is to use <Table>ID as primary key and the name of the primary key of the related table for relations. The naming convention is fully configurable though. See [[Naming conventions]] for more information.

You can use the following attributes to customize the mapping of a class to a record:

Attribute On Description
[Table.Name] Class Specifies the name of the table for a class
[Column.PrimaryKey(...)] Field Defines a primary key field, optionally autoincremented
[Column.Name(...)] Field Specifies the name of the column a field should be mapped to
[Column.Size(...)] Field The size (width) of a field in the database. Mostly used with string and decimal data types. The scale parameter is optional
[Column.LargeText] Field Marks the field as a large text field (blob text)
[Column.Indexed(...)] Field Creates an index for this field, optionally specifying the name of the index and the position of the field within that index
[Column.Null] Field Specifies that a field should be nullable in the database
[Column.NotNull] Field Specifies that a field should not be nullable in the database
[Column.Ignore] Field Does not map the field to a database field

For example:

public class Product
    public int ProductID;

    [Column.Size(100) , Column.NotNull, Column.Indexed]
    public string ProductName;

    public string ExtendedDescription;

    public decimal Price;    

Defining relations

See Relations